Thursday, December 10, 2009

resting on the l

so i went online today and to my utter dissapointment i realize that they do not make dr martens in my size. (big heavy sigh inserted here). i really wanted some. okay well actually i wanted the electric blue ones and the ones with the flowers on them but i have realized over the years that womens size twelve is not a common size. i am a minority. but here are some awesome dr marten pics tht i kinda like.

they are just too cool for school
daily fashion tip_dr martens. they make you instantly punkier grungeier and hipper. you be so rock and roll people will ask you if your last name is jagger. ok not really but it will definetly give you this tuff as nails kindof vibe evn if you wear them in neon pink but imgaine how cool neon pink dr martens would look with a little white dress. so get some cause you aint going out like a suker now way...

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